Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

In Favor of:

Creation of real jobs, not government jobs. The government can create nothing. It can only displace monies from one party to another. In other words to create a government job, the government takes your hard earned money and gives it to government employees. Jobs are created by creating an economy based on certainty. Currently businesses are not certain what will happen to them tomorrow. New taxes, such as health care, cap and trade or new regulations, or the government take over of industries inform the business community that change is on the way; and likely not change they would like to see. This must be corrected. Substantially reducing or eliminating corporate taxes will drive investment into the United States. We have the second highest corporate tax rates in the world. We must back away from proposed ideas such as cap and trade and nationalized health care reform proposed by the democrats. Take steps to streamline or eliminate red tape and unnecessary regulations such as current CAFÉ standards. They drive up costs and help lead to safety concerns in automobiles that cut weigh to increase mileage. Take immediate steps to reduce the scope and size of the government and balance the federal budget over the next 2 years. Stop the federal governments endless spending and borrowing of money. When the government borrows they compete with business making it more difficult for them to secure loans. Stop the federal government's intervention in attempts to control the economy with programs designed to benefit specific industries but not the economy as a whole, such as "cash for clunkers". Start a drive for energy independence. Announce plans to drill now. Just the announcement and our movement to begin this process will drive the cost of energy down overnight.
